

The Outreach Guide to the Bible and Homosexuality


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About our Resource Library
These resources, suggested by friends and colleagues from around the world, are designed to help LGBTQ Catholics and those who minister with them.

We have not read every page of every book; we do not agree with every word of every article; we have not watched every minute of every video and we do not know every person in every organization. Our including a resource here does not mean that we endorse every aspect of it.

We hope that our community of friends find these resources, from a variety of perspectives, as well as countries and language groups, useful tools to help deepen your faith. Please let us know if you have a resource you would like to suggest or have a concern about one we included.


How a homeless, queer youth helped me find God

ArticleBook Carl Siciliano

“Making Room: Three Decades of Fighting for Beds, Belonging, and a Safe Place for LGBTQ Youth” was released May 21 by Penguin Random House.

Glasovi LGBTIQ+ vjernica i vjernika: Poziv na dijalog vjerskih zajednica i LGBTIQ+ zajednice – zbornik radova

BookScholarly Work Bosnian

Zbornik koji se nalazi pred vama pionirskog je karaktera, a jedna od njegovih temeljnih nakana jeste doprinijeti pokretanju detabuizacije javnog govora o postojanju LGBTIQ+ vjernica i vjernika u bh. društvu, a posredno i u čitavoj regiji, što je važna sastavnica humanizacije svakog, pa i našeg društva.

How not to focus on the negative, even when life is discouraging

ArticleBook James Martin, S.J.

Reflecting on the Raising of Lazarus, from John’s Gospel (11:1-44), can offer all of us, not just LGBTQ people, some clues in how to move away from the focusing on the negative.

Father James Martin: God calls to us, even to the parts we think are “rotten”

ArticleBook James Martin, S.J.

In an excerpt from his new book, “Come Forth: The Promise of Jesus’s Greatest Miracle,” Outreach editor James Martin, S.J., writes that God embraces even the shameful parts of our lives.

Father James Martin: Jesus’s greatest miracle and LGBTQ people

ArticleBook James Martin, S.J.

In this exclusive excerpt from his new book, “Come Forth: The Promise of Jesus’s Greatest Miracle,” author James Martin, S.J., describes the need for church leaders to consider “the effects of stigmatizing language” about the LGBTQ community.

El reconocimiento de las personas LGTBIQ+ en la Iglesia

Book Spanish Montserrat Escribano / Enric Vilà

¿Por qué ha sido tan difícil para la iglesia católica acercarse a las per- sonas LGTBIQ+?

El reconeixement de les persones LGTBIQ+ en l’Església

Book Catalan Montserrat Escribano / Enric Vilà

Per què ha estat tan difícil per a l’església catòlica acostar-se a les persones LGTBIQ+?

Recognition of LGBTIQ+ Persons in the Church

Book Montserrat Escribano / Enric Vilà

Why has it been so difficult for the Catholic church to reach out to LGBTQ people? (Also available in Spanish and Catalan.)

I Came Here Seeking a Person

Book William D. Glenn

This book is a contemporary account of a spiritual journey by a sober, gay, ex-Jesuit clinician and community leader writing at the complicated intersection of faith, psychology, sexuality, culture, and exponential social change.