Outreach Sunday Gospel reflections




Does Jesus want us to cut off our hands? 9/28/2024

Even the disciples were jealous and envious 9/21/2024

Why do the disciples not understand suffering? 9/14/2024

How Jesus ennobles the body 09/07/2024


Don’t make Judaism look bad to make Jesus look good. 08/31/2024

Why did “many” of Jesus’s disciples leave him? 08/24/2024

Jesus as nourishment 08/17/2024

Jesus raises you up—now 08/10/2024

How can Jesus help us when we struggle with the church? 08/03/2024


Do you love the Eucharist? 07/27/2024

Where is your splanchnon? 07/20/2024

What kind of apostle are you? 07/13/2024

How to answer “belittling questions” 07/06/2024


The Gospel tells us: Never give up 06/29/2024

Quieting the voice of despair 06/22/2024

Slow growth and the church 06/15/2024

Why did Jesus’s family think he was “out of his mind”? 06/08/2024

Our broken body, the church 06/01/2024


How can we participate in the Trinity? 05/25/2024

Do you believe in the supernatural? 5/18/2024

Jesus desires unity. Do we? 5/11/2024

How can we possibly love like Jesus? 5/04/2024


Three ways to remain in Jesus 4/27/2024

Are you a good shepherd? 4/20/2024

Why are you troubled? 4/13/2024

Can you believe without seeing? 4/06/2024


He has been raised! 3/30/2024

Have you ever felt abandoned? 3/23/2024

Lazarus, come out! 3/16/2024

Jesus does not condemn the world. Neither should you. 3/09/2024

Jesus’s anger, and ours 3/02/2024


How do you transfigure the world? 2/24/2024

Fighting the “counter-spirits” 2/17/2024

How Jesus bridges the gap between the clean and unclean 2/10/2024

God knocks on our doors 2/03/2024


On being clean and unclean 1/27/2024

We are called to repentance and (more importantly) to metanoia 1/20/2024

How does God call you? 1/13/2024

What is your star? 1/06/2024




What is your hidden life? 12/30/23

God dwells among us 12/23/23

Who are you? 12/16/23

How can we comfort one another in tough times? 12/09/23

Can you let the potter “form” you? 12/02/23


The litmus test for entrance into Heaven 11/25/23

Get ready 11/18/23

On being watchful 11/11/23

On the dangers of stereotyping—anyone 11/04/23


We must mirror the compassion of God 10/28/23

What belong to God 10/21/23

Being a true friend with God 10/14/23

Our lives belong to God 10/07/23


Jesus and the faithful who “go ahead” 9/30/23

God’s generosity to those on the margins 9/23/23

Should we forgive racists, misogynists and homophobes? 9/16/23

How to deal with sinners, according to Jesus 9/09/23

Why should we deny ourselves? 9/02/23


Who is Jesus for you? 8/26/23

Jesus, the Canaanite woman and LGBTQ people 8/19/23

How to move from panic to calm 8/12/23

Jesus Christ, you are my life 8/05/23


What can we learn from Jesus’s “immoral heroes”? 7/29/23

The mustard seed, slow growth and the church 7/22/23

Jesus’s passionate desire for you 7/15/23

Jesus’s Easy Yoke 7/09/23

What did Jesus think about the family? 7/01/23


Does God want LGBTQ people to “come out”? 6/24/23

The Shepherd of a Flock “Harassed and Torn” 6/17/23

How can our lives mirror the Eucharist? 6/10/23

God is relational 6/03/23


Do you believe in the Holy Spirit? 5/27/23

Jesus’s glory—and ours 5/20/23

The Holy Spirit: Everywhere, All at Once, with Everyone 5/13/23

Who is Jesus—in John’s Gospel? 5/6/23


How Can We Know God’s Voice? 4/29/23

How to See (and Not See) God 4/22/23

The Risen Christ Returns with His Wounds 4/15/23

Christ is Risen! 4/8/23

Jesus Understands You 4/1/23


Come Out! 3/25/23

Who Sinned? No One 3/18/23

Jesus’s Welcome 3/11/23

Coming Down from the Mountain 3/4/23


How to Handle Temptations 2/25/23

Can You Really Love Your Enemies? 2/18/23

Name-Calling Will Land You in Hell 2/11/23

You are Salt and Light 2/4/23


Blessed Are the Persecuted? 1/28/23

Jesus Meets Us Where We Are 1/21/23

The Freedom of Humility 1/14/23

All Are Welcome 1/7/23

Treasuring in Our Hearts 1/1/23




God Makes His Home in Humanity 12/24/22

Joseph the Dreamer 12/17/22

The Desert Blooms 12/10/22

Turning Your Life Around 12/3/22


Something New is Coming 11/26/22

What kind of king is Christ? 11/19/22

Lessons from the “Little Apocalypse” 11/12/22

Jesus and “The Jews”: Avoiding Stereotypes 11/5/22


Zacchaeus, the Grumblers and LGBTQ People 10/29/22

Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner? 10/22/22

Praying Even When It Doesn’t Seem to Work 10/15/22

The Grateful Outcast 10/8/22

Can Faith Move a Mulberry Tree? 10/1/22


The Rejecters Rejected 9/24/22

Be Shrewd? Or not? 9/17/22

Three Images of God’s “Crazy” Love 9/10/22

Did Jesus want us to “hate” our families? 9/3/22