Outreach accepts select unsolicited, unpublished content for dissemination in print, web and/or other digital formats. Outreach does not accept submissions via U.S.P.S., nor do we consider content submitted simultaneously to other publications or media. Outreach is solely responsible for the manner, platform (digital, print, etc.) and timing of publication/production.

Submissions must be written with the “respect, compassion and sensitivity” that all people deserve. Articles typically range from 800 to 1,400 words. Please provide citations for all stated facts and statistics. The use of anonymous sources is discouraged unless deemed strictly necessary by the editors. Outreach pays USD $150 for full-length articles. 

What kind of content is Outreach looking for? Please see our “Views” articles for examples:

  • Personal essays on the LGBTQ Catholic experience.
  • Reports on Catholic institutions, organizations and individuals and their ministry to LGBTQ people.
  • Reports on the LGBTQ Catholic experience worldwide (which can be written in English, or in the writer’s native language, or can be provided both in the writer’s native language along with an English translation).
  • Essays on an aspect of Catholic spirituality (Scripture, Christology, the liturgy, the saints, for example) and how it relates to LGBTQ people.
  • Essays on the historical figures who have the influenced LGBTQ Catholic experience.
  • Any other essays, reports or reflections that might be of interest to LGBTQ Catholics or those who minister with them.

Nominations for parishes, schools and organizations who deserve recognition for their ministry to LGBTQ people can be submitted to our “Gaudete” section here.

Interested in submitting an article to Outreach?

Tell us about your idea.

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Your name*
What kind of piece are you writing?

Please include the ways in which your piece relates to LGBTQ people or issues, and why your perspective is unique.
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