The Outreach Guide to the Bible and Homosexuality
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About our Resource Library
We have not read every page of every book; we do not agree with every word of every article; we have not watched every minute of every video and we do not know every person in every organization. Our including a resource here does not mean that we endorse every aspect of it.
We hope that our community of friends find these resources, from a variety of perspectives, as well as countries and language groups, useful tools to help deepen your faith. Please let us know if you have a resource you would like to suggest or have a concern about one we included.
How to love your enemies. Really.
Article James Martin, S.J.Jesus’s command to “love your enemies” is as radical today as it was when he first uttered it—and just as difficult to do.
A gay Catholic on finding hope in seemingly hopeless times
Article Jason Steidl JackContemplating small acts of kindness, and making an effort to notice beauty, goodness and compassion, can help in moments of despair.
A transgender Catholic’s advice for LGBTQ people in tough times
Article Danielle KoutsoufisDuring a time that feels particularly difficult, LGBTQ Catholics can turn to their faith and to one another.
Outreach to host retreat for LGBTQ Catholics and their families
Register today for this three-day, guided retreat designed for LGBTQ Catholics, their friends and families and those who minister to them.
The time to care for the poor is now
Article James Martin, S.J.The Beatitudes are a template for what Jesus expects us to do now, which is to live out the reign of God, to participate in its building up.
Sr. Nathalie Becquart: Synodality as a path towards greater inclusion
Article Sister Nathalie Becquart, X.M.C.J.While the synodal documents do not specifically address LGBTQ ministry, their vision of a listening, dialoguing, discerning church provides principles for developing more inclusive pastoral approaches.
Jesus says: Try again!
Article James Martin, S.J.“We have worked hard all night and caught nothing” could be something that all of us could say in different circumstances.
How sketching helps a Catholic artist process pivotal moments
Article Mickey McGrath, OSFSRenowned Catholic artist Brother Mickey McGrath, OSFS, draws important moments from his life and the life of the church—including the recent Synod on Synodality.
A spirituality of patience
Article James Martin, S.J.Challenging as it is, and much as it often tests our human nature, our models in Christian waiting are presented to us in today’s Gospel.