The Outreach Guide to the Bible and Homosexuality
Do you have a question of concern about a resource in our library? Let us know.
About our Resource Library
We have not read every page of every book; we do not agree with every word of every article; we have not watched every minute of every video and we do not know every person in every organization. Our including a resource here does not mean that we endorse every aspect of it.
We hope that our community of friends find these resources, from a variety of perspectives, as well as countries and language groups, useful tools to help deepen your faith. Please let us know if you have a resource you would like to suggest or have a concern about one we included.
Search Me: A Way of the Cross in Solidarity with the LGBTQ Community
BookSearch Me: A Way of the Cross in Solidarity with the LGBTQ Community acknowledges shared human experience as a means to grow in relationship with God. Each of the traditional stations of the cross, the events leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection, are paired with reflections from members of the LGBTQ community.
Faith Communities and the Well-Being of LGBTQ Youth
ReportThe good news is that when LGBTQ youth experience acceptance and support by family and faith communities, they are more likely to have positive health outcomes and be protected from risks such as suicide, depression, and substance abuse.
El reconeixement de les persones LGTBIQ+ en l’Església
Article CatalanPer què ha estat tan difícil per a l’església catòlica acostar-se a les persones LGTBIQ+? Per què l’Església està tan endarrerida respecte de les organitzacions seculars, i fins i tot d’altres esglésies, que han fet que aquesta comunitat se senti més benvinguda?
As a Catholic Doctor, I Know Gender-Affirming Care Is Essential for Transgender Youth.
ArticleBecause I am a Catholic physician, I spent many hours discerning whether it was morally acceptable to treat these children. I view relieving suffering as my duty as a physician. These children are clearly suffering.
Watykańska deklaracja dotycząca błogosławieństw dla par jednopłciowych jest wielkim krokiem naprzód dla katolików LGTBQ
Article PolishPrzyjmuję tę nową deklarację jako od dawna wyczekiwaną i upragnioną odpowiedź duszpasterską dla katolickich par jednopłciowych. Jako kapłan wyczekuję możliwości błogosławienia par jednopłciowych i dzielenia z nimi łask, których Bóg pragnie dla każdego.
Glasovi LGBTIQ+ vjernica i vjernika: Poziv na dijalog vjerskih zajednica i LGBTIQ+ zajednice – zbornik radova
BookScholarly Work BosnianZbornik koji se nalazi pred vama pionirskog je karaktera, a jedna od njegovih temeljnih nakana jeste doprinijeti pokretanju detabuizacije javnog govora o postojanju LGBTIQ+ vjernica i vjernika u bh. društvu, a posredno i u čitavoj regiji, što je važna sastavnica humanizacije svakog, pa i našeg društva.
El centurión ¿gay? del Evangelio sobre el que los teólogos no se ponen de acuerdo
Article Spanish El PaísLa interpretación de uno de los milagros más conocidos relatados en el Nuevo Testamento enfrenta posiciones entre quienes defienden el sentido tradicional y quienes dicen que, de forma explícita, contiene una negativa de Jesús a condenar la homosexualidad.