

The Outreach Guide to the Bible and Homosexuality


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About our Resource Library
These resources, suggested by friends and colleagues from around the world, are designed to help LGBTQ Catholics and those who minister with them.

We have not read every page of every book; we do not agree with every word of every article; we have not watched every minute of every video and we do not know every person in every organization. Our including a resource here does not mean that we endorse every aspect of it.

We hope that our community of friends find these resources, from a variety of perspectives, as well as countries and language groups, useful tools to help deepen your faith. Please let us know if you have a resource you would like to suggest or have a concern about one we included.


Watch: Rev. Brandan Robertson discusses Scripture and homosexuality


“The more I began to look on the horizon for people that looked and sounded like Jesus, frankly, the more I was pulled towards a … progressive, inclusive version of Christian faith,” said Robertson, a Protestant pastor and author.

Bénédiction de couples de même sexe : Que dit l’Eglise ?

Video French

Lundi 18 décembre 2023, le Dicastère pour la Doctrine de la foi a publié une déclaration sur la signification pastorale des bénédictions. À travers ce document intitulé “Fiducia supplicans”, l’Eglise permet la bénédiction des « couples en situation irrégulière » (dont les divorcés-remariés) et des couples de même sexe. Pourquoi cette déclaration ? Quelles sont les spécificités de ces bénédictions ? Est-ce un changement doctrinal sur le sacrement du mariage ? Trois questions à Mgr Philippe Bordeyne, Président de l’Institut pontifical Jean-Paul II pour les Sciences du mariage et de la famille (Rome).

Listen: Pope Francis biographer Austen Ivereigh talks building a new kind of dialogue in the church


Ivereigh speaks about discussions on LGBTQ inclusion at the Synod, the process of drafting the final Synod report and what Pope Francis hopes to achieve through global dialogue.

Watch: Father James Martin on LGBTQ people and his optimistic view of the Synod process


In July, Pope Francis personally appointed Outreach editor James Martin, S.J., to the Synod on Synodality, a two-part worldwide gathering in Rome attended by more than 360 prelates, clergy members and lay people.

Watch: America editor Colleen Dulle reports from Rome on the Synod


Colleen Dulle, co-host of America Media’s “Inside the Vatican” podcast, talks with Outreach about secrecy at the Synod, criticism from some U.S. prelates and Pope Francis’s emphasis on dialogue and process.

Watch: Juan Carlos Cruz talks his friendship with Pope Francis


In his keynote address at this year’s Outreach conference, Cruz, a gay Catholic and valued confidant of Pope Francis, spoke of the pontiff’s closeness to LGBTQ people. Recorded at the Church of Saint Paul the Apostle in New York City.

“Dear Alana” tells the “heartbreaking” story of an LGBTQ Catholic hurt by conversion therapy

ArticlePodcast Grace Doerfler

The podcast, detailing the suicide of a young Catholic woman who’d undergone conversion therapy, delicately portrays both the tragedy of a young woman’s life cut short and the culture of a church in which she felt unable to survive.

LGBT+ Inclusion in Catholic Schools


This is a session hosted by the Scottish Laity Network for their 2022 Lent journey where an openly transgender and Catholic Teacher of Religious Education shares some practical tips for making Catholic schools more inclusive towards the LGBT+ community.

Life on Side B


Ecumenical, interview-based podcast “exploring the joys, beauty, and challenges of living the traditional sexual ethic as LGBT+/same sex attracted Christians.”