

The Outreach Guide to the Bible and Homosexuality


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About our Resource Library
These resources, suggested by friends and colleagues from around the world, are designed to help LGBTQ Catholics and those who minister with them.

We have not read every page of every book; we do not agree with every word of every article; we have not watched every minute of every video and we do not know every person in every organization. Our including a resource here does not mean that we endorse every aspect of it.

We hope that our community of friends find these resources, from a variety of perspectives, as well as countries and language groups, useful tools to help deepen your faith. Please let us know if you have a resource you would like to suggest or have a concern about one we included.


Watykańska deklaracja dotycząca błogosławieństw dla par jednopłciowych jest wielkim krokiem naprzód dla katolików LGTBQ

Article Polish

Przyjmuję tę nową deklarację jako od dawna wyczekiwaną i upragnioną odpowiedź duszpasterską dla katolickich par jednopłciowych. Jako kapłan wyczekuję możliwości błogosławienia par jednopłciowych i dzielenia z nimi łask, których Bóg pragnie dla każdego.

Academic Statement on the Ethics of Free and Faithful Same-Sex Relationships

Scholarly Work Chinese Dutch Filipino French German Italian Polish Portuguese Slovenian Spanish Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research

The Statement has been endorsed by more than 60 Catholic scholars and is currently available in 10 languages. Links to the full report, “Christian Objections to Same Sex Relationships: An Academic Assessment.”