Editor’s Note: A few weeks after the Outreach LGBTQ Catholic Ministry conference at Fordham University on June 24 to 25, we mailed Pope Francis a copy of the conference brochure, along with a letter describing what happened at the conference, especially the panel conversations among people with various viewpoints. This morning, we were surprised to receive this warm letter, dated July 20, seen below, in response. We are grateful to the Holy Father for his encouragement and prayers.
The letter was translated from the Spanish by J.D. Long-García, Sean Hagerty, S.J., and Adam Rosinski, S.J.
Spanish text of Pope Francis’s letter
Querido hermano,
Gracias por la carta que me hiciste llegar hace unas semanas junto al folleto “Outreach 2022“. Felicitaciones por haber podido concretar este año el evento de manera presencial.
Soy consciente que lo más valioso no es lo que aparece en los folletos y en las fotos, sino lo que ocurrió en los encuentros interpersonales. De hecho, la pandemia nos hizo buscar alternativas para acortar las distancias. También nos enseñó que hay cosas que son irremplazables, entre ellas el poder mirarnos “cara a cara”, aun con aquellos que piensan distinto o con quienes las diferencias parecieran separarnos y hasta enfrentarnos. Cuando superamos esas barreras, nos damos cuenta de que es más lo que nos une que lo que nos aleja.
Los animo a sequir trabajando en la cultura del encuentro, que acorta las distancias y nos enriquece con las diferencias, tal como lo hizo Jesús, que se hizo cercano a todos.
Les aseguro mi oración. No dejen de rezar por mí. Que Jesús los bendiga y la Virgen Santa los cuide.

English translation of the letter
Dear brother,
Thank you for the letter you sent me a few weeks ago, along with the “Outreach 2022” brochure. Congratulations for having been able to make the event happen this year in person.
I am aware that the most valuable thing is not what appears in the brochure or in the photos, but what happened in interpersonal encounters. In fact, the pandemic made us seek alternatives to shorten the distances. It also taught us that certain things are irreplaceable, among them the possibility to look at each other “face to face,” even with those who think differently or those whose differences seem to separate or even confront us. When we overcome these barriers, we realize that there is more that unites us than separates us.
I encourage you all to keep working in the culture of encounter, which shortens the distances and enriches us with differences, in the same manner of Jesus, who made himself close to everyone.
I assure you of my prayers. Don’t stop praying for me. May Jesus bless you and the Blessed Virgin care for you.