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An Outreach conversation about the LGBTQ Catholic message

Views Greg Krajewski / June 27, 2024 Print this:
Photo courtesy of iStock/Hailshadow

Editor’s Note: Outreach is pleased to present a series of conversations about LGBTQ Catholic life, hosted by Greg Krajewski, a gay Catholic video producer and director who lives in Chicago. You can listen to the conversation between Greg and Eve Tushnet, a lesbian Catholic author and speaker, in the video player below and read a synopsis below.

The church’s message of love is at once simple and yet full of all the messiness that comes with being human. What does it mean to love? What does it mean to live a life of love? Especially as a queer person, I find myself gravitating toward things—people, articles, arguments and churches—that alleviate anxiety. That opened me up, allowing me to live out my call to love more fully.

The Catholic Church throughout the years has struggled with communicating the message of love to LGBTQ people. As I matured and slowly began to come to terms with who I am, I sought out documents, encycles, analysis and anything else that I thought would speak to my lived reality as a sexual minority.

What should the Catholic message to LGBTQ people be? And how should that message be spread?

Eve Tushnet is a lesbian Catholic author and speaker who has spent years engaging with these topics. What should the Catholic message to LGBTQ people be? And how should that message be spread? The Catholic Church is for everyone. As Pope Francis is fond of saying, “Todos, todos, todos!” It’s for people like me who are hungry to live their faith and be true to themselves. The church can be welcoming and loving to all. That is the message I want the world to know.

Greg Krajewski

Greg Krajewski is a Catholic video producer and director whose regional Emmy award-winning work has been featured on ABC, PBS, EWTN and various online streaming platforms. He lives in Chicago with his husband.

All articles by Greg Krajewski

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