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An Outreach conversation about living as an LGBTQ Catholic

Views Greg Krajewski / June 20, 2024 Print this:

Editor’s Note: Outreach is pleased to present a series of conversations about LGBTQ Catholic life, hosted by Greg Krajewski, a gay Catholic video producer and director who lives in Chicago. You can listen to the conversation between Greg and Brent Taghap, a gay Catholic musician, in the video player below and read a synopsis below.

I never realized just how Catholic my family was until I was in college. We would go to Mass every Sunday, we would pray the rosary together, we had Sacred Heart icons around the house. This deep faith was, and still is, such a deeply ingrained part of me. 

But I’m also gay, and I’ve spent the past few years really exploring what it means to be queer and Catholic. My greatest joy is when I am able to meet and engage with others, holding both parts of myself fully. And even more joy comes when I find others who engage with both parts of themselves. When I tell people I’m gay, married and Catholic, their eyes open in wonder, seemingly asking, “Is that even possible?”

It’s hard to find places where the traditional practices of the church interact in a positive way with my queer side. Meeting Brent has helped me bridge that perceived divide.

I met another gay Catholic, Brent Taghap, at the 2023 Outreach conference in New York. He was volunteering his time as a musician, playing the violin for Mass. I wanted to know more about his experience with the church, as someone who unapologetically identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community, and someone who is so visible and active in Catholic ministry.

But the beauty that is present in traditional Catholic culture—churches, statues, icons and prayers—can be tainted by negative experiences with those who are their biggest proponents. It’s hard to find places where the traditional practices of the church interact in a positive way with my queer side. Meeting Brent has helped me bridge that perceived divide.

Greg Krajewski

Greg Krajewski is a Catholic video producer and director whose regional Emmy award-winning work has been featured on ABC, PBS, EWTN and various online streaming platforms. He lives in Chicago with his husband.

All articles by Greg Krajewski

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