News and Views
Articles by Mickey McGrath, OSFS
How sketching helps a Catholic artist process pivotal moments
Views Mickey McGrath, OSFS / February 4, 2025Renowned Catholic artist Brother Mickey McGrath, OSFS, draws important moments from his life and the life of the church—including the recent Synod on Synodality.
Brother Mickey McGrath, OSFS: Mighty Clouds of Loving Witness for LGBTQ People
Views Mickey McGrath, OSFS / February 27, 2023I recently led a weekend retreat for LGBTQ Catholics with the theme “Be Who You Are, Perfectly Well,” the title drawn from a quote by St. Francis de Sales.
The Many Colors of the Body of Christ: A Meditation for Corpus Christi
Views Mickey McGrath, OSFS / June 18, 2022We are one human family walking forward together in faith, hope, and love. The whole church is a monstrance, the entire cosmos a tabernacle.